Saturday, March 16, 2013

Maximizing Tracking of SEM Paid / Unpaid for Google Analytics

SEM and UTMs in Google Analytics:

There aren't enough utm parameters. Five doesn't cut it when you're dealing with complex traffic sources that have nearly as many traffic settings as Google or Bing for search. And, BTW, Bing is the toughest.

The five utm's provided are : *utm_source (source name), *utm_campaign (campaign name), utm_term (keyword), *utm_medium (type of traffic), and utm_content (ad content text). 

* Denotes mandatory for Google Analytics tracking. But we use ALL of them.

Scaling Up for A Lot of SEM: 

For large scale paid and unpaid SEM tracking of search and alternative traffic providers such as in-text, display, email, more, the need for extra data extends beyond the 5 available parameters. The online URL Builder from GA is a toy. 

To accommodate complex traffic partner tracking needs, we built a set of excel sheets that auto-populate each UTM parameter, and make use of the utm_content (ad content) parameter in a complex system of sub-parameters. 

The sheets are mechanically identical, but there is one sheet per SEM team member, per traffic source. I suggest doing the same, and making the utm_content parameter sub-parameters ordinal, as well as consistently delineated. 

Use Sub-Parameters in Ad Content:

Example: adgroup is missing for non-Google inbound traffic in UTMs. To solve this issue, we have the Excel spreadsheet populate the field "adgroup-{adgroup}" into utm_content, along with many other "canned" variables we need down the road to assist in reporting on each traffic partner uniquely.

Other parameters to consider: ad variation, placement, ad type, ad format, geo. 
Create as many as you need, but stay below the 256k limit for US-based URLs. If in Asia, the limits are 1/2 due to complex language characters.

Filter Your Reports using Ad Content:

It's an art and a science, but well worth the trouble. For example: i regularly use "ad content" to filter only our "display" traffic across all possible Sources, with medium of cpc or cpa to delineate as a paid source, term is the keyword, campaign is the actual campaign name, and content contains an array of 10 sub-parameters. 

Scale Up and Up:

From personal experience, this method works to track and measure traffic effectiveness for a $1/yr up to and above a $100m/yr SEM spend.  worked very well for us, tracking around $100m/yr spend. More later in a blog post due to space. Hope this helps. 

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