Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Google Analytics for Mobile Apps - Combined features of SDKs Compared

The Google Analytics Mobile Apps pages on the code.google.com site provide some good instruction on the latest support for Mobile App SDKs, but they don't compare features between both supported device O/S's.

For those of you seeking full support for all three major types of mobile devices, you'll be slightly disappointed. Supported mobile O/S's include iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod), and Android. No mention of Blackberry is made. Even though your Blackberry apps are written in the same Java, there is no library from Google to support GA tracking of Blackberry apps.

Here are the links to all three code.google.com pages: Overview, iOS, Droid.

I made a matrix quickly to track available features. It helped me to see them in one place so I hope it helps you.

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1 comment:

  1. Hello friends,

    The Google Analytics for Mobile Apps SDKs make it easy for you to implement Google Analytics in your mobile apps. The SDKs can be downloaded and used with the iOS and Android application platforms. Thanks!
